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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hie there!

A break from regular posting so early in the day seems a bit not too good... but have been busy during the entire weekend! Friday was an additional bonus holiday from work, thanks to the "bandh" culture in Kolkata. Its actually a paradox - sometimes a blessing, sometimes an unwanted intrusion to an already set routine and agenda.

What all did i do...? Everything and nothing. Daily household chores, using that extra time to make some sense of the disorder that prevails in my room and cupboards, read some books that have been waiting for me all of the week, spending time to catch up with friends and family across the length and breadth of the country....

This weekend was also a bit different. I got many friends introduced to my blog! What did i get in return... a mixed bag of reactions!!!! A small part of me had really hoped that the blog would have people gushing over it.. and they would turn their world upside down in trying to get to a computer to log in and add to the same... Alas! maybe it would take some more time... some friends were of the opinion that it needs to be more "young", some were trying to tell me politely that they hadn't a clue what am trying to say or portray, some were happy with the effort and all supportive, while some i suspect are still to access the same!

But am going to keep going on. Lets see where we end up. I enjoy the medium. definitely need more know how in how to remain up to date with blogging but hey! Rome was definitely built in a day!

What have u all been upto? Do write back...



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