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Monday, August 31, 2009

Festivity in the Air

Dear All!

The air is cooling here in the Bengal province of India. Like newly bloomed flowers, the air is subtly laden with the smell of the festive season here. The roads are already flocking with people out with their families to do their shopping and stocking their homes with goodies. Traffic police have literally trebled in each of the prime areas of the city and are accompanied by volunteers across schools who assign themselves to social service by assisting the public to safely negotiate the far too busy roads. The shops are all heavily laden with merchandise and new trends to woo their customers. The sweet shops are thinking of new delicacies everyday and the newspapers are buzzing with the best deals of the season and the houses of the 'best of the best' of the season - be it clothes, food, shoes, home decor or even jewellery! Give it a week more, there would be a chill in the air, atmosphere would be ripe with the color of red, smell of sweets and incense and sound of beating drums and pulsating music from every nook and corner of the city.... the promise of a season that binds people and propagates sheer joy of celebration of faith and life!
Yes, its the Durga Puja season in Kolkata, India. The festive season of Bengal. Durga Puja, the festival of Bengalis is the worship of 'Shakti' or the divine power. Most of the religious celebrations in the world have legends surrounding them.The fables are generally the fight between the evil and the good, the dark forces eventually succumbing to the divine.Worship of Goddess Durga is based on myths where Durga symbolizes the divine power.

ACCORDING TO THE INDIAN MYTHOLOGY: Mahishasura, the king of Asuras, through years of austerities, was once granted a boon by Lord Bramha, that no man or deity would be able to kill him. The immense power filled in him the urge to rule over the world. He started to terrorize heaven and the inhabitants. Chaos and anarchy reigned. The Gods scared and unable to combat him, requested Lord Shiva, Lord Bramha and Lord Vishnu (combinely known as the Trinity) to stop Mahishasura's tyranny.
In answer, the three Gods combined their divine energy and summoned up a feminine form so brilliantly radiant that it illuminated the heavens. From the glow emerged Devi Durga, a beautiful dark skinned woman with ten arms riding a lion. Despite her grace she bore a menacing expression, for Durga was born to kill. She was sent forth against Mahishasura armed by symbols of divine power; Lord Vishnu's discus; Lord Shiva's trident; Lord Varuna's conchshell; Lord Agni's flaming dart; Lord Vayu's bow; Lord Surya's quiver and arrow; Lord Yama's iron rod; Lord Indra's thunderbolt; Lord Kubera's club and a garland of snakes from Shesha and a lion as a charger from Himalayas. Such might!

Durga Puja is the celebration of this victory (killing of Mahishasura). The interesting part of Durga Puja is that, instead of placing Durga on a high alter and worshipping her from a distance, Indians embrace her in their hearts and make her an inseparable member of the family. Goddess Durga is welcomed to the earth as our daughter who annually visits her parents' home. Durga stays for four days- last four days of the lunar cycle. She is accompanied by two other goddesses - Laxmi and Saraswati and her children Ganesh and Kartik. She sets back for her husband's (shiva) abode on Vijaya Dashami, also known as Dussehra in some parts of the country.
Though the literature and mythology of the entire festival is a wonder of sorts in itself, more fascinating is the fervour in which the Indians celebrate the festival. Business literally stops in this corner of the world on these 4 days. It seems as if life has resumed an objective - to prepare, provide and enjoy the season as if tomorrow never comes. Art flourishes to decorate the city with lights, artifacts, craftsmanship and paintings. Music assumes a new stage of deliverance as each professional strives to perform their stupendous best as their oen personal offering to the Goddess. Its a brilliant study of human nature to just sit and wtach the devotees of Durga embark on the journey of this celebration. Its really no wonder that the Goddess chooses to bless this human race with even more abundance and faith, year on year - its as if she is telling them to keep on the faith, and I will come every year to replenish the stock exhausted last year!
I truly feel its a blessing to be ordained with such faith। It knows no bounds, it takes never a beating when the tides are low. Time and again, it rejuvenates itself by simply celebrating the Almighty. Time and again, replenishes itself by giving yourself away. For in love and faith, the rule is - तुम एक दो, वो दस लाख देगा!

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Beauty of Death

No, I have not taken leave of my senses. No, I have not gone mad.

My first boss, Ajay went on to become one of my staunch pillars when I joined Genpact. Though he was much mature beyond me, wiser in the way the world works and had seen much of the corporate world just when i was walking into it. But he took the time to be my friend. Listen to a small girl who had left the security of home and shelter of college to foray into the big bad world. He became one of my closest allies and these days, about 4 years after he is no longer my boss, I feel very proud to call him a friend.

He lost his father last night. Uncle had been battling a heart condition for some time now with frequent trips to the hospital for the past year or so and last night, he finbally succumbed to it. Ajay had known his father was not keeping well. His family knew his fragile condition. But can u be ever prepared for losing someone so close to you? Losing a parent? It scares the living daylights outta me. I am feeling sad at his loss. Not because Ajay is my friend, or his wife has become a good friend too. But for the last of a wonderful relationship between father and son, grandfather and grandchild. May his soul rest in peace.

“You can shed tears that he is gone,
or you can smile because he has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that he'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all he's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see him,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember him only that he is gone,
or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what he'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”

Take care, my friend.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Is this All?

The problem lay buried, unspoken for many years in the minds of American women. It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yearning that women suffered in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States. Each suburban housewife struggled with it alone. As she made the beds, shopped for groceries, matched slipcover material, ate peanut butter sandwiches with her children, chauffeured Cub Scouts and Brownies, lay beside her husband at night, she was afraid to ask even of herself the silent question: ''Is this all?''”

- Betty Friedan

Betty Friedan (1921–2006) was an American writer, activist and feminist, widely credited with, and perhaps best remembered for, starting the "Second Wave" of the Women's Movement in the United States with her 1963 book The Feminine Mystique, and as the primary founder of the National Organization for Women in 1966 which aimed to bring women "into the mainstream of American society now" in "fully equal partnership with men".

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

No need for Words

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Guruji!

Hey all!

Tomorrow is Guruji's birthday. Am excited. Events being planned for weeks, its generally a week long celebration that culminates into a grand finale tomorrow. its great fun too, u meet a lot people who generally are names during the year or just a voice on the telephone. Apart from rejoicing the existence of someone very very important to me, I also renew friendships and relations that have otherwise been somehow lost in the rush of life.

You know, once when i was much much younger, say abt 14 or 15 years old (I have been aliogned to Guruji since i was 12!) and we were celebrating His birthday, I had actually asked Him.. "Guruji, dont you get excited when your birthday comes?? I certainly love my birthday - so many gifts and cards, I feel so important.!!!" The naivety of childhood, the innocence! he just smiled - that very benign smile and said to me .. "its the excitement of you all that thrills me, your affection and devotion that excites me". ever since that time, there has been a different kind of excitement in me for his birthday.

This year also there is the usual parapharnaelia and the music, the color and the festivity. He will be 85 tomorrow. I cant wait to be part of his centenarial celebrations! Long Live the Lord!

All my devotion,

Friday, August 21, 2009

A New Blog Name

"My Own Purple Haze"

Now whats this about? Just a second and you'll know!
Here I was, the marketing (was my second major in MBA) graduate in me was realising that my earlier blog name "Devoted - Spirituallyyours" did not have as many takers as I wanted. That should have been obvious really. While the name suited my blog to the T, it apparently must not suited the palate of the people I wanted to network with. Hence, a change of name, but definitely no change of heart.
Why this name?
Actually I wanted just "purple haze" but that was taken. so had to tweak my preferences a bit. Came up with many combinations but this was the only one that finally got accepted. So here I am!
Reason 1 - Purple Haze is actually a song by Jimi Hendrix that was released somewhere in the 60's across US and the UK. It went on to become one of his biggest hits and later was also coined as his signature song. Its said that Hendrix was inspired by a dream in which he was walking under the sea. He was about to go under when his faith in Jesus saved him. Kind of symbolic, huh? I also largely talk about our faith saving us. Thats why I added the "my own" prefix to PH.
Reason 2 - Purple Haze is also a pub in Bangalore, India. A hugely popular place for college and post graduate students, it used to be a frequent stop over for us too when we were there during our MBA years. Now, am a relative teetotaller but have literally tasted every drink (the major ones, atleast) at least once, and all at Purple Haze! I love Peach Shnapps- its the only drink I consume and thats where I got introduecd to it. So, an educator of sorts too!

So thats the story. I had a tough time thinking of names - and have roped in quite a few people to think with me too. we did come up with some fascinating thoughts, some I would love to share and some i better dont! The next task that lies ahead is now revamping the look of the blog but thats going to take some time till i master the technicals of blogging!

Till then, do drop by. Would love to hear from all of you.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fake Saints?

The recent spate of men becoming shankaracharyas seem to creating a fad!
With more and more self proclaimed saints calling themselves "shankaracharya", it seems a quicker way to make headlines and catch a moment of glory on the news channels. Whether done for limelight or the legions of devoteesthat would be expected post this "ordained holiness" still remains a question, but most would think surely the success rate of such imposters would defer them from even wanting them to try their fate here!

The basic premise of being a Shankaracharya -
1. Only 4 Peeths - Adi Shankaracharya (788-820 AD) founded four seats about 1200 years ago for the spread of Hindu culture -- Jyotishpeeth in Badrinath (North), Shringeripeeth in Chikmagalur district of Karnataka (South), Shardapeeth at Dwarka (West) and Govardhanpeeth at Puri (East)
2. A foolproof process - The tradition is that shankaracharyas anoint their successors during their lifetime;following which the anointed person is granted recognition by the Kashi Vidvat Parishad. This is a 150-year-old organisation with 35 living members -- most of them eminent Sankrit scholars
3.Among other honors this candidate needs to be a bachelor and cannot be a family man EVER. Also needs to be wellversed and learned with reference to the Vedas, Upanishads and other Indian scriptures.

How can a man so ensconsed with the material world teach immateriality to the masses of the country for spiritual upliftment!So how come things have gone so horribly wrong? For, barring minor disputes over posts and perks, there seems nothing much wrong with the KVP’s activities. The rot that has set in is entirely due to various vested interests, which have raised at least three similar sounding committees like the Varanasi Vidvat Parisgad, the Varanaseya Vidvat Parishad and the Akhil Bhartiya Vidvat Parishad. And bodies like these have been covertly selling degrees and posts – with the result that dozens of self-styled shankaracharyas have sprung up in different parts of the country.
The Shankaracharya is the Indian equivalent of the Pope. The keeper and protector of Hinduism. While the office commands a high respect and glory in the eyes of law in Modern India as well, the religious sentiment with the sameseems limited to just the glamour quotient attached therein. How many look alikes of Rajnikant, Amitabh Bachchan, Salman Khan and these days, even Shahid Kapoor have tried their luck in tinsel town?

An abysmally low success rate - Gauri Shankar shukla of Allahabad (1990) who proclaimed to be ordained by the Kashi Shankaracharya of Prayag Peeth (???); Sudhakar Dwivedi,a non-commissioned officer of the Indian Air Force,took to become “shankaracharya” of the Sharada Sarvadnya Peeth in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and was exploited through a series of phone calls!!! Swami Amritanand Devtirtha Maharaj – lately reduced to being just Dayanand Pandey -- is currently in the custody of the Mumbai Anti-terror Squad (ATS) on the charge of engineering explosions outside a religious place in Malegaon, Maharashtra that killed six persons!!

The life sketches of the likes of the above show how these nondescript people, who somehow found the moneyto buy their grandiloquent titles,came to sully and ultimately criminalise the faith.The officials involved in providing fat to the fire also now backtrack to save their skins. Every name loves limelight but the harsh glareof exposure isn't as sweet!Such is the murky world of these new age shankaracharyas! There is no hierarchy and absolutely no checks and balances. For a price, anyone can claim to be a pandit, an acharya, a ramanujacharya,a mahandleshwar or a shankaracharya.

But what about the people who know the truth? In principle,these imposters would only reach out to the masses that remain unaware of the tradition of the Great seers and not dare to approach the learned masses for fear of exploitation! fair enough. Thats the way the game is played.
I, as an individual am aware of this tradition. The genuine and the fake. Its a personal responsibility to ensurethat lovers of my religion and faith donot get way laid. In my own individual capacity, I can only spread the word. As a collective group, I can spread awareness in similar minded circles. As part of a larger community, I can go further out and use my education and this wonderful media called the "net" to safeguard many devotees out there in the world.

So - to many of you devotees of the Lord above - and I address all of you, regardless of caste, community, nationality or religion:
"when we choose a Guru (a spiritual teacher),its a gift we give ourselves. Like we would never choose something detrimental to value, or a scarred gem, or a worthless piece of art, or even a secondhand garment; why then should we be hasty in choosing someone that would lead me to purgatory rather than Heaven..."

"kabira sangat saadhu ki, jyo gandhi ki baas,jo gandhi kuch de nahi, to bhi baas subaas"

- the great seer kabir says that one virtue of a saint is that inner goodness he possesses. To identify a true sage,his presence is like heavy perfume. Even if He does not sprinkle any drops on you personally, the sheer presence of an exalted soul would rub on you to leave around you his divine scent.

Pensive Today

Dont feel like writing too much. have too much on my mind and the body is now protesting too. Really tired and lethargic. Work continues to be in full swing and carries still the uncertainty of the economy with it, Home is a place i would love to stay back at for one day full time. To sleep and let my body fulfil its unstated demands.
I sometimes wonder if this is normal for a 30 year old. To feel so tired sometimes that you feel like crashing and never getting up again. Then I feel, age maynot be the criteria for evaluation here but rather, its the mind that need bear scrutiny. How healthy is my mind? Will need to figure that one out!

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.

I hope this war within ends. Its very important to accept situations and life just as it is. Sometimes thinsg would be good and life would be the best thing ever, other times its just a matter of time that it becomes just the journey I want it to be. Atleast thats what am trying to convince myself of.

Sometimes the sun shines bright and sometimes the road is shady. The path be softenend by the bed of fallen leaves underfoot. Just beauty all around - the magic of the colors that is available only on God's palette. And though you never know where the path leads you to, what the destination is - atleast you're convinced that the journey would be par excellence.
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
And i have promises to keep,
And miles to go -
Before i sleep"
- Robert Frost

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nice thought

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Wish List

Whats new at ur end? Nothing much on mine, really! Life aint that happening all of a sudden - i suspect thats coz there is really too much to do and too little time and energy for the same. I was trying to figure out my "want to - have to - already is" list off late and this is what it looks like:

What's Cooking?
Currently enjoying: the rains in Kolkata
Recent Movie - Love Aaj Kal, enjoyed it too, really liked Saif Ali Khan though he also has started looking old!
Recent Book - PS I Love You by Cecilia Ahern. Am bowled by the book!
Last outing - visiting my parents and my brother who is in town from Delhi
Thankful for - my boss being on leave
Looking forward to - Guruji's birthday, its on Sunday
Dark cloud in the sky - no holidays in sight, really need a break badly
Depressing - a bit of loneliness and a feeling of isolation
Long for - some time alone, spent just the way I want to spend it
My mouth waters for - Pizza! been thinking about it for some days now :(
Problem Area - my mobile phone, its not going to last much now!
I miss - Swati, Vritika and TD
Whats eating me - someone who is being downright selfish and small these days
What thrills me - my newly planted garden
If I could postpone - my father in law's business trip
If I had some time in hand - I would make a painting. Its been ages since i painted
Would love to replace - uh! Never mind!!
Something tickling me - humor at the workplace
Scared of - darkness within myself
Am sorry i missed - Harry Potter and the Half blood Prince on the big screen
Latest eye catch - a watch by ESPIRIT, waiting to buy it
Latest Net venture - creating a Facebook profile
To boost me up - a facial and one lazy day where I do just my own thing

Send me your lists too!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jai Shri Krishna!

Today is Lord Krishna’s birthday. Krishna Janmashtami. Like Christmas in the west, this is Christmas of the East! Celebrated with fervor and passion throughout the country.
Its said that these Gods don’t take birth. Its actually the manifestation o
f their divine entity that takes the form of a human being and transcends down to the Earth to save mankind from all evils and devils alike.
In the story of Krishna, he took form to come down to save Planet earth from demons like Kansa, Shishupal and Duryodhana. It was also part of his divine plan that he had to liberate great devotees like Surdas, Meera, the gopis of Vrindavan and Bhishma. Be a divine friend to Sudama and Arjun, the ideal brother to Balaram, Draupadi and Subhadra. The eternal consort to Radha, Rukmini, Jambavati and his 16000 wives. It was all masterminded that he had to preach the Gita, create Dwarka as a holy city, lay down the age old saga of sibling rivalry over land and wife as depicted in the Mahabharata. Such a lot of work to be done in one lifetime!

The scriptures say that the day Krishna was born was the most heavenly day on this planet. Even while in the womb, his divine radiance shone through his birth mother, Devki and illuminated every corner of the prison cell where he was born. Atmosphere of peace and happiness prevailed all around. People started rejoicing in every village. Forests were green and covered with new leaves and the trees were laden with fully bloomed flowers and fruit. The rivers were swollen and overflowing as if in joy and the peacocks were dancing in sheer anticipation and jubilance. So happy were the seven heavens that they rained all day and night. Even today, it rains everytime on the day of Krishna Janmashtami.

People rejoice and celebrate the birth of this naughty Lord even today. They fast for him in anticipation and decorate their houses depicting scenes of his lifetime with dolls and artifacts – very much like the Nativity scene that is created for Jesus on Christmas.

Lord Krishna has been the most endearing of all Gods in Hindu mythology. While we revere all the Gods that hold place in the Hindu history and mythology, this Cowherd God has always commanded a special place in the devotee’s heart. You have to see him to know what I mean…

A smile that puts a thousand suns shining to shame, eyes that are brimming with mischief and sparkling with love for mankind. A face that has kindness and benevolence written all over it. God says – “I live in the hearts of those devotees, whose hearts are engaged in my thinking”.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another week started

hey all!

Sorry to have missed out a couple of days interim but been out of sorts a bit.

work goes on in the same pace as does life at home. Nothing changed so far but then maybe i have. I must admit, am the kind of person who i think indulges in a lot of thinking. While thats good as is the habit of reflevtion, i also realise that too much of introspection and too much of thinking actually leads you to overwork yourself. Result is that you have headaches that are unnecessary and also cook up a lot of baloney for yourself that just leads to complications in the mind and heart.

I also tend to do a lot of this... you know how it is.. think too much, read too much in things that are said and done, build what if scenarios in the head, sometimes it also happens that I manage to read something that is not there or hear something that is not said. All this adds to the muddle in my head and it makes me restless and uneasy.

What is the way out? This is a tough one. I have tried many a times to figure this one out. Am yet to do so. I get upset and insecure and all because of nothing. Or maybe there is something. Maybe am hitting the nail on the head but obviously, as the ways of the world go, its tough for decent people like me (ya, and thats not exaggeration!) to make it known that i have the game figured out.

I have thought about this - something called Detatched Involvement.

Someone I know at work has put forth the concept to me quite some time back. Its about discharging your responsibilities effectively. there will be a max of one or two people in the world who will be able to read your mind, your face and your heart without being driven to. They would know when you are being mechanical and when you do something from the heart. The rest of the world is mildly just interested in all that you do, whether you be happy or not be damned. So the idea is to make them happy. Live upto expectations but never ask for a thing in return. Really, thats what the world wants. believe me, you can survive it.
Krishna, in the Bhagvad Gita advocates
Nishkam Karma (Selfless Action) as the ideal path to realize the Truth. Allocated work done without expectations, motives, or thinking about its outcomes tends to purify one's mind and gradually makes an individual fit to see the value of reason and the benefits of renouncing the work itself.

Sometimes, you would end up shriveled and almost dead. I listen to my favourite music at such times. Sometimes, you would feel intensely alone and stripped bare. I hug my mom's photograph close to me at that time. Sometimes, all you want to do is run away. I cry in front of my guru at a time like this. And it works. Releasing inwards. You dont need anyone else really. I have my work and my life to lead. Sometimes there are a dozen people with you and by your side. These are happy times. Sometimes there is noone and you feel as if noone gives a damn. These are bleak times. These are also testing times - faith and self confidence.

I may be right or wrong, am not sure. Maybe others also go through these motions. So then we're even , aren't we?

Friday, August 7, 2009

I love flowers.
I had visited the Flowers Valley some years ago. Thats near Badrinath, up in the Himalayas, North India.

Apart from the fact that i was with close friends, the sun and the brilliance of the valley was breathtaking. If you guys have ever watched Hindi movies and seen the lead actors lounging through fields and fields flocked with stupendous flowers, this was it.

Will have to retrieve pictures of that trip, but here are some pics from the net to give u a feel of the same.

You might be wondering where I suddenly thought of posting this? I was surfing the net for some data i required at work when i came across this website that was talking about statistics of this region. So.........
I hope I make it back there someday.
Have you ever been touched by Nature and its wonders? Ever wondered what God's palette would be like, should he give you a chance to paint something of your own? What would you create?

Borrowed from somewhere - Thank you!

The Story:
An old Farmer lived on a farm in the mountains with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Bhagavad Gita. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.
One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa! I try to read the Bhagavad Gita just like you but I don’t understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Bhagavad Gita do?”The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, “Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.”
The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, “You’ll have to move a little faster next time,” and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again.
This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead. The old man said, “I don’t want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You’re just not trying hard enough,” and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.
At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house.The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, “See Grandpa, it’s useless!”
“So you think it is useless?” The old man said, “Look at the basket.” The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was looking different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside out !
“Son, that’s what happens when you read the Bhagavad Gita. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside out. That is the work of Krishna in our lives.”

Thursday, August 6, 2009

day before yesterday was Rakhi. For all of you all unaware of this Indian festival.. here's a download. Rakhi is basically the festival for brothers and sisters. Herein, on this day all sisters visit their brothers with sweets and gifts to tie a "rakhi" on his wrist. Its a symbol of the eternal pure tie that binds together a brother and his sister. In return, of this thread of commitment tied by the sister, the brother vows to protect and care for his sister till his days end. Such a simple, yet profound ritual.
Indeed, the relation of a brother and a sister is so so sacred. Especially younger sisters with their elder brothers. I have an elder brother too. He is almost 12.5 years elder to me and sometimes, i wonder if this gap in our ages augments or harms our relationship. My mom tells me that if there has been any person I have had regard for in my adolscent life , its him. If i have been a bit wary of someone, its him. Today too, i realise thats true. when i was young, he was the elder brother - he used to pamper me, buy things for me, introduce me to new gizmos and music, put nailpolish for me, share a dosa with me and buy me chocolates. We shared quite a bit - love for our grandmom, tom and jerry was our favourite, i always used to rob him of his archies comics, our competition for Mom is on even till now, both of us used to run for cover when Dad used to be around, late night visits to the fridge for a chilled glass of thumsup, mouth watering bhindi and bhujia..... the list is endless. When i grew up a bit, he was all ready to get married and thats when i saw a new side of him. All man and now embarking on a relationship that till now i had not seen in my house. My sister in law was like a breath of fresh air in the house - she is this live wire and siren all rolled into one, perpetually on a roller coaster ride. When my brother became a father figure and a guy i started looking upto beyond the starry eyed devotion of just a sister is something even I am not aware of. Though we live in different cities and hardly meet twice a year, though am married and busy with a job that rarely gives me time to talk to him as much as I want to, there is not one single moment that I dont think of him and wish that all is well at his end of the world.

We have cousins too. I do tie a rakhi to all my first cousins as well. Sons of my dad's elder brothers. the feeling of oneness is unbeatable. We have grander festivals like Holi and Diwali where we all get together again, but there is something about Rakhi that sets it apart. Something poignant, something deeper. Its a festival straight from one heart to the other. Its beautiful.

"A brother shares childhood memories and grown up dreams..."
I have my own superhero, I just call him Bhaiya.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Friends make the world a better place to live in!

Hey.. i forgot to wish all of u guys a happy friendship day!

I remember the way we used to celebrate while in school! Those days, this celebration use to be held on 7th August, as opposed to the first sunday as is the case now. I remember preparing for this day, weeks in advance. Small gifts to be made, each with loving care. Those days when we were small, it used to be a nuber game as well - the more we give to, the more friends we have. How innocent we were!

I then started loving the days post school. We never stopped celebrating Friendship Day - we do so even now. But today I know who my friends are. Its a fixed list and I am very happy with the people who feature on that. Last couple of years have seen some additions to that list but i know that these are not seasoned friends - they are friends for all the seasons of life.

This is what my list goes like...

1. Swati, Vritika and Priyanka - I remember each of the gifts we exchanged. Of them all, I love most is the gift of your friendship. Oh! and here's Friends Forever for you!

2. Mom - Glad to have you. ur the bestest of the best!

3. Parul, Sanjeev, Ajay, Namita, Arvind, Saurabh, Nimesh - thanks for being my Call-me-anytime friends

4. Rohit - be my buddy and my best friend - always!

the list is actually long. As i try to list my friends here, i find i can still name more. thats surely something to be thankful for. But nothing can match upto the guys above! You rock, and you sure make my life rocking!

Love ya,

Change in the Weather!

Here I am, back on a monday afternoon. The weekend has surely been eventful and also hectic. Had been to my mother's place on friday night so spent most of saturday also there. Its always fun and relaxing to be there, spend time with Mom and Dad, chill out - the luxury of not having any chores to do, the pleasure of doing everything at your own pace.

The winds have changed here a bit. Its been raining almost everyday and the skies have been downcast for majority of the past week and weekend. Though raining in Calcutta means an unproportionate rise in the levels of humidity. I generally like cloudy weather as opposed to the fierce shining sun, so am kind of enjoying this draft of rains in the city. As long as i dont have to battle with them on the streets! As per the Hindu calendar, it is truly the month of Shravan ( sawan, as made popular by the Hindi movies!) which is known to be the beginning of the raining / monsoon season! Hail! the clouds are rumbling even as i write this!!!

Shravan actually is quite an eventful month around India. With almost every community celebrating their own festivals spanning across this month and the next! All the four parts of the country are celebrating - Teej, Rakshabandhan (rakhi) and the auspicious month of Sawan itself, observed as obscience to Lord Shiva. Color, good food, and lots of worship during the month are proclaimed to be the order of the month!
Sawan also heralds the start of the "chaturmas". Literally translated, it means "four months". It starts with the start of the month o Shravan with Guru Purnima when all devotees make it a point to worship their Gurus, and continues till Rakshabandhan - the day of brothers and sisters. each day is devoted to Lord Shiva and the mondays during this entire month are considered espacially auspicious. "chaturmas" lasts another month post this month, so actually its not really 4 months but calendar wise its 2 months. These are the months where the saints (who have been ordained wit sanyaas, having taken the vows of renunciation) are supposed to stay in one place (as opposed to their prescribed lifestyle of wandering about the country and preaching) and use this time to study themselves and educate their students / devotees regarding religion and scriptures. these are the only months when they would be available in one place for such a long time, else they be on the move all the time.

My Guruji is also doing his Chaturmas. Thanks to his benovelence, the same is being held here in Calcutta, where I live. 2 months of having him around, being able to see him and meet him whenever I want! What bliss!!!! I just came across this titbit the other day - this is his 60th such chaturmas! Imagine being a 'sanyasi' for 60 years! Is that a normal feat? Do we even see such liberated saints these days?

So am enjoying this season. Yes, the weather has changed a lot. Apart from the apparent changes in the sky and the sun, there are changes in the heart also. Excitement - when would the time come when i can visit Guruji again? Agility - to plan my calendar and schedules such that I derive the time to visit Him, Efficiency - thanks to the former, u must see how am working these days at office, wanting to finish my tasks and that too, in perfect order for the boss to be happy! Curiosity - many things that I have read and want to talk about. Pleasure - at having the chance to meet many other people associated with Him who have become like an extended family to me too. Greedy - to make the most of this time given to me!
Only this is occupying my mind. Despite all my responsibilities of home and office, I manage to go and visit. There are not enough hours in the day for me, but am happy. With a little help from the Lord ablove, I guess after all, where there is a will, there is a way.

Cheers, Vrinda